
On Writing Scheduled Tasks for Windows AT Command

Less painful ways to write scheduled tasks for the Windows at command.

  • Use absolute paths to reference files or folder because at starts in a default folder, not the folder you are currently using.
  • Use caret (^) to escape the redirection characters so that you can combine the output (stdout) and error (stderr) streams to a file.

Here's an example that combines those tips: at 12:00 C:\Temp\Test.cmd ^> C:\Temp\Test.log 2^>^&1.

It is also be useful to dump the at command's environment variables so that you can check if the variables are set correctly (e.g. PATH): at 12:00 cmd /c set ^> D:\Temp\Env.txt.

2013/12/10: With Task Scheduler, you don't need to use the caret to escape the cmd metacharacters, i.e. Program = cmd and Arguments = /c C:\Temp\Test.cmd > C:\Temp\Test.log 2>&1.

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