
Name Log Files in a Consistent Format

I expect developers to program like I do, which didn't happen this week.

The task is to concatenate log files in a folder into a single file to import into a database. The Windows command to do the job is for /f %a in ('dir /b *.csv') do type %a >> dest.csv. (dir /b lists entries in a folder without any heading.) While testing using echo in place of type, I noticed that due to the way dir sorts file, the script would concatenate log files in this order: Log-02.csv, Log-03.csv, ..., Log.csv i.e. the first log file last. This order seems to correspond with the characters in the ASCII table.

(Aside: Windows Explorer lists Log.csv first because Explorer doesn't use ASCII sort order.)

Of course, just to get the job done, the work-around is to rename Log.csv to Log-01.csv before running the script.

It threw me that developers wouldn't name log files consistently.


  1. I make log files of the form year-month-day

    The only problem is that sometimes (depending on which bit of code generates the filenaem) I get a month of 1 digit

    This is a coding problem on my part.

  2. I disagree Kam.

    You said '...I noticed that due to the way dir sorts file...', but you have not specified any sort order for the 'dir' command.

    MS says: "If you omit /o, dir displays the names in the order in which they occur in the directory". Whatever that means. Perhaps it's the order in which they occur in the MFT?

    Regardless, if you omit some form of ordering in your command you are on your own. Perhaps 'dir /b /o:n' or 'dir /b | sort'.


    P.S. If you have no expectations of other developers you can avoid disappointment. :)

  3. Good tip. 'dir /b /o:n' gives the result I want so I don't need the workaround any more. I had assumed (incorrectly) that the result is always sorted in some order.
