
Avoiding #N/A in Range VLOOKUP

I was using VLOOKUP to put percentages in buckets. Here's the lookup table:

   a b
1  0 1
2 25 2
3 50 3
4 75 4

And here's the formula I added to my data sheet: =VLOOKUP(input, A1:B4, 2, TRUE). When the fourth parameter, Range_Lookup is set to TRUE, the function will match a range instead of an exact input value. If the input value was greater than 0 (e.g. 0, 25.5), VLOOKUP returns a bucket number, as expected. My input data was dirty and included negative numbers (e.g. -0.5, -1), so VLOOKUP would then return #N/A and dependant formulas would show an error.

One solution was enclose the input value in an IF function and avoid negative input values: =VLOOKUP(IF(input < 0, 0, input), A1:B4, 2, TRUE).

After reading about VLOOKUP, Range_Lookup parameter ...

If TRUE or omitted, an exact or approximate match is returned. If an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is less than lookup_value is returned.

... another way to avoid the #N/A error is to provide a dummy value smaller than all the negative values and an extra bucket:

    a b
1 -99 0
2   0 1
3  25 2
4  50 3
5  75 4



  1. I tend to use =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(..)),0,VLOOKUP(..)) Admittedly, I'm usually not allowing Range_Lookup = TRUE, but it would work for either case.

    It's guaranteed never to produce a "#N/A" result, but it's longer to type, less efficient to execute, and requires that the two VLOOKUP statements are kept in sync.

  2. For the reasons you gave and to keep formulas short, I also try to avoid IF().
