
Blog Comment Spam

What a pain in the nether regions when spammers decide to use your blog as a vehicle for their crap advertisements. My blogs are moderated, so I see every comment before they are posted. I only twigged that my blog was being spammed when I saw the same comment twice for different postings on the same day (that spammer was enthusiastic). It seems (naïve, perhaps) that any comment with a URL, either in plain view or in an HTML <a> tag, is likely to be spam comment, and showed be examined closely.

Suggestion to Blogger team: include a option to mark a comment as spam, just like Gmail, and use the crowd to identify spam comments.


  1. if the blogger team cant help - can you write your own plugin or macro to mark as spam anything with a url or other clues as you;ve determined. i suppose you make a judgement that most people wont post a url as a comment (maybe in your context this isnt appropriate?)

  2. Not a bad idea to write a macro for my e-mail client to highlight URLs in comment notifications.

    Other types of spam would require Blogger's (and Google's) help.
