
Reading CSV Files in Python

Python has a csv module for reading and writing CSV files (usually exported by Excel or database tables). The basic use of this module is documented in the on-line help. My CSV files usually have a header row, so the idiomatic way to skip this line is to open the CSV file and use the next() function immediately:

from csv import reader
f = open("blah.csv", "rb")
for row in reader(f):
  print row

If your CSV files are pretty simple (e.g. only single line data, no quotes, etc.), you can use list comprehension and array slicing:

                   1       2                                      3
for row in [line.strip().split(',') for line in file("blah.csv")][1:]:
  print row


  1. You have to remove the trailing "\n" from each line.
  2. Split the input line using the delimiter, typically a comma.
  3. The list comprehension statement returns all lines, so to ignore the first line, you take a slice of the array starting from the second line.

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