
Configure NetBeans to Statically Link MinGW C & C++ Libraries

Installed MinGW g++ 4.5.2 and got the following Windows error when trying to run a C++ program I just compiled: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer. After fixing that error, Windows displayed a similar message regarding libstdc++-6.dll. Basically, g++ doesn not statically link the C and C++ standard libraries with an executable by default.

  • In Windows, copy the required library files, libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll from the MinGW bin folder into the same folder as the executable or add the MinGW bin folder into the PATH environment variable.
  • If using NetBeans 6.9, configure the project properties to statically link the libraries to the executable:
    1. Select menu item File, Project Properties.
    2. In the Project Properties dialog, expand node Build, Linker.
    3. In Command Line, set Additional Options = -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++


  1. I was under the impression that MinGW / MSys targeted mscvrt.dll, which should be on every Windows Machine. What you lose is GNU copies of the C / C++ standard library.

  2. You're probably right. I was just compiling a 'standard' C++ program rather than one written for Windows.
