We had some servers which would occasionally go offline, so I wrote a basic HTTP server monitor using Python and Tkinter (the interface to the Tk GUI library):
# HTTP Server Monitor by Kam-Hung Soh 2008 from csv import reader from httplib import HTTPConnection from logging import basicConfig, error, info, INFO from os.path import exists from time import strftime from tkFont import Font from Tkinter import Button, Frame, Label CONFIGURATION_PATH = 'HttpServerMonitor.csv' LOG_PATH = 'HttpServerMonitor.log' REFRESH_INTERVAL = 60000 # Miliseconds TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%y' GRID_DEFAULT = {'padx':2, 'pady':2} class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.status_label = {} self.time_label = {} self.grid(**GRID_DEFAULT) self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): for i, s in enumerate(['Name', 'Host', 'Port', 'Status', 'Last Check']): Label(self, font=Font(size=10, weight='bold'), text=s).grid(column=i, row=0) if not exists(CONFIGURATION_PATH): error("Cannot open,%s" % CONFIGURATION_PATH) exit(1) f = open(CONFIGURATION_PATH, "rb") f.next() # Skip header row for r, p in enumerate(reader(f)): row_num = r + 1 for col_num, s in enumerate(p): Label(self, justify='left', text="%s" % s).grid(column=col_num, row=row_num, sticky='w', **GRID_DEFAULT) host_name, host, port = p key = host + ":" + port self.status_label[key] = Label(self, background='yellow', text='unknown') self.status_label[key].grid(column=col_num + 1, row=row_num, sticky='w', **GRID_DEFAULT) self.time_label[key] = Label(self, text='%s' % strftime(TIME_FORMAT)) self.time_label[key].grid(column=col_num + 2, row=row_num, sticky='w', **GRID_DEFAULT) Button(self, text='Refresh', command=self.refresh).grid(column=4, sticky='e', **GRID_DEFAULT) def refresh(self): for key in self.status_label.keys(): self.time_label[key].config(text=strftime(TIME_FORMAT)) label = self.status_label[key] h = HTTPConnection(key) try: h.connect() label.config(background='green', text='up') except: label.config(background='red', text='down') finally: h.close() self.after(REFRESH_INTERVAL, self.refresh) if __name__ == "__main__": basicConfig( datefmt='%Y%m%d_T%H%M%S', filemode='a', filename=LOG_PATH, format='%(asctime)s,%(levelname)s,%(message)s', level=INFO ) info('Started') app = Application() app.master.title('HTTP Server Monitor') app.refresh() app.mainloop() info('Ended')
This program reads a CSV file specified in CONFIGURATION_PATH constant for a list of servers to monitor. The CSV file has three columns: the display name, the server address and the server's port. The first line of the CSV file is for information only; it is not used by the program. Below is a sample CSV file:
Name,Host,Port My server,myserver.com,80
You can define the time interval between checks by modifying the REFRESH_INTERVAL constant. This constant is in miliseconds, not seconds, so don't set too small a value!
If you using Windows, run it using pythonw HttpServerMonitor.py.
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